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September 15, 2024

Municipal Politics Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game: Respecting Every Voice

Respecting concerns that seem minor can lead to major solutions in municipal politics.
Mike McCluskey
Candidate for District 5

Municipal politics can't be a zero-sum game.

Everyone is worthy of respect and what seems to you to be a frivolous, silly, or vindictive concern often is based in a need that isn't being met.

When I taught and someone was lashing out in class, it often wasn't the material. With adults, maybe they had horrible educational experiences up until then. Maybe their literacy wasn't at a level it could be, and they were embarrassed. Or they were older and retraining for a new job and were feeling lost.

Maybe the idea of not having a car scares a senior who has never ridden a bike in the city? (Senior cycle mentors to help them adapt.)

Higher density might feel like a loss of status for someone who worked their whole life to get a house? (Provide them examples where it worked.)

Folks don’t understand the importance of protecting the lakes. (Give recreational opportunities to folks who won’t get a chance to use them.)

We need to talk less and listen more.

- Mike

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