Active Transport Platform

Safer Streets For All: Getting Bike Lanes Right

If we are going to do bike lanes, do them correctly; it's safer for everyone.

"Conversely, however, the researchers found that painted bike lanes actually make roads less safe for all users."

Exactly what I have said on Twitter for years.

Asking residents that live along bike routes for their inputs leads to suggestions like, "Can we have a WRONG WAY sign when there are lanes on both sides, so we can better predict which direction they are coming from?” Wyse Road.

Folks on all sides are pitted tooth and nail against each other by extremists from all camps.

When folks don't feel listened to, they hunker down, get angrier and are less receptive to others' opinions and concerns. "Every bike should be taxed, licensed and banned from major roads."
"There is no need for anyone to own an auto, and a bike can do anything a car can."

Both are wrong.

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