Support Our Campaign: Donate Today!

Why Your Support Matters

Running a successful campaign requires resources to reach and engage with the community effectively. Your generous donations will help us:

  • Communicate Our Vision: Spread our message through signage, flyers, website, social media, and community events.
  • Engage with Voters: Host meet-and-greet sessions, and other local events to connect with residents.
  • Ensure Fairness: Your support helps provide the resources to ensure our voice has a chance to be heard.

Who May Donate

Under Under HRM By-law c-1100: Only contributions from individuals may be accepted.
“Individual” means a person, excluding:

  • A corporation, partnership or association
  • A person who is not an ordinary resident in the Province of Nova Scotia for a period of six months immediately preceding the first advance polling day
  • A non-profit organization
  • A trade union
Donations to the Mike McCluskey campaign are not tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support.